The Power of "Thank You"
I used to think of gratitude like I was quickly scribbling out a thank you note to a friend ( doctor's-esque scroll is mostly legible...its the thought that counts!). I’d be thankful for something that a person did for me or gifted to me, so I’d shoot off a quick and friendly thank you to that person and move on to the next thing. It was efficient and polite, but rather…short lived. Or, I’d sign an email with “thanks!” — but is that really gratitude? Are we grateful for them reviewing the document and sending detailed feedback? (In advertising? Probably not…!) Then, there’s Thanksgiving. The day when we’re supposed to be grateful for everything. But that’s only one day a year, and we’re often on a turkey-high so the gratitude fades a bit. This year, I learned that gratitude is so much more than that. It’s actually a way of life, an energetic current. When I’m grateful for what I have on a continual, daily basis, good things flow. And when I’m not ac...