Deep Replenishment (in a world of notifications)
How do you recharge after a busy day? (PS: if this is even a fraction of how your morning goes, you probably need it!) Let me know if this sounds familiar. It’s 8:20am. I have 17 new notifications on my phone. My Slack channels are alive and running with the ever present “popcorn” notification — tap tap tap — people are chatting away. My phone buzzes with a text. Then another. There’s an Instagram notification. A Teams notification. My email dings. Then again. My calendar reminds me that I have a Zoom meeting coming up in exactly 9 minutes and I may or may not have just rolled out of bed 15 minutes ago (whoops). I quickly find some lipstick and mascara. And a sweater. Sure, that’ll work, its Zoom, right? Hair fluff. Ok, go. Wait, wait, coffee — do I have time to get coffee? Yes, I do. Yessss. Ready. Crap. Where exactly did I leave my AirPods?! (I am constantly misplacing my AirPods). Ok, now I'm ready! Let’s go. And its now only 8:30am. Whew! And for all of it, I’m g...