Deep Replenishment (in a world of notifications)

How do you recharge after a busy day?

(PS: if this is even a fraction of how your morning goes, you probably need it!)

Let me know if this sounds familiar. 

It’s 8:20am. I have 17 new notifications on my phone. My Slack channels are alive and running with the ever present “popcorn” notification — tap tap tap — people are chatting away. My phone buzzes with a text. Then another. There’s an Instagram notification. A Teams notification. My email dings. Then again. My calendar reminds me that I have a Zoom meeting coming up in exactly 9 minutes and I may or may not have just rolled out of bed 15 minutes ago (whoops). I quickly find some lipstick and mascara. And a sweater. Sure, that’ll work, its Zoom, right? Hair fluff. Ok, go. Wait, wait, coffee — do I have time to get coffee? Yes, I do. Yessss. Ready. Crap. Where exactly did I leave my AirPods?! (I am constantly misplacing my AirPods). Ok, now I'm ready! Let’s go. 

And its now only 8:30am. Whew!

And for all of it, I’m grateful, truly. I’m grateful to hear from people I love, to have work that keeps me busy, to be connected to everyone and everything. 

And I know so many of you have many other non-technical notifications as well — that come from littles (and not so littles!), pets, parents, grandparents, etc. 

I give you 1000% kudos for all that you juggle/manage/handle (especially those with kids!) -- it's not easy and you deserve so much credit for getting through each day. 

But the truth of it is -- every day, a million things demand our attention. We have so many responsibilities that require our energy. 

But what if I told you that your soul needed attention, too?

What happens when you turn your phone off, to spend more time with you?

While I know you’re reading this on a screen, I invite everyone after reading this to take an hour, just one hour tonight — for a “digital detox”. 

Turn your phone off, completely (it’ll probably thank you for the break, too!) And just…be.

I get it, this can be challenging. Sometimes we’re so busy DO-ing that we forget we’re human BE-ings. 

We can just BE, and not always DO something.

It’s not easy to crave time out to do…nothing. Sitting in total silence can be really hard when you're using to lots of activity.  

I’ve struggled with it, truly. I love being busy and having something to do, a project to complete, a book to read. I get restless when I’m not doing something for long periods of time. 

But lately, I’ve been craving silence. And that's ok. 

Sometimes its hard to tell people -- I love you, but I can't talk right now. 

I need to take some time out for me for a minute. And that's completely ok. 

It can be hard to tell people what you need, that you need a mental health day or even just a break...but this is important. 

If your computer and phone can't run on empty -- neither can you. 

You need time to rest, recharge, replenish yourself. 

We often try to rely on our mind so much for answers, but often these answers are just waiting for us in silence. 

You just need to open your heart and be open to receive the information that’s waiting to come to you. 

But first. You need to clear your mind of all the information you absorbed that day from simply... adulting…in order to get in touch with what your higher self wants you to know.

So — how do you get in touch with your higher self? How do you recharge your soul?

(This is definitely a whole different blog topic, but I'd define my soul as...the intangible, ageless part of me that is connected to the Universe, the Divine. It's you at a very basic, core level - your essence. Consider it the source of your life-force energy, and only you can nourish it.)

One of my favorite ways to is simply to be outside in nature. I love hiking and exploring. I find being by bodies of water especially soothing, and if there’s sunshine and warmth, even better.

But even when its cold, I find that a short, quick walk to get a cup of coffee often completely resets my energy. Or I make candles. In the spring I'll plan a vegetable garden that keeps me both entertained (and well stocked in lettuce, kale and tomatoes.) 

Some other healthy recharge ideas (most are free):

  • Start a journal — just write a few thoughts out. See how you feel! 
  • Listen to some of your favorite, relaxing music. 
  • Go for a drive, just to get out for a bit. Don't think, just drive. 
  • Find a new recipe online and cook up something delicious. Or bake!
  • Light a ton of candles and take a long shower or bath. (If you have epson salts, add these — they are a fabulous way to detox).
  • Spend time with your pet. 
  • Buy yourself some fresh flowers. 
  • Read a book. 
  • Get a paint set, paint something (I did this and thought I'd be bored, but it was really relaxing)
  • Get a massage (or buy a Thera-gun, these are amazing)
  • Exercise — move your body, try a yoga class or a new workout. Go for a spontaneous bike ride. 
  • Try a breathwork class online
  • favorite: meditation. (If you’re finding meditation hard, try a few minutes of silent prayer, reflection, or chanting). 
Spending just a few minutes each day developing a relationship with your soul is priceless. The more time you show up and spend time with it, the more it will guide you. I promise. 

Truly -- the most selfless thing you can do is fill up your own inner well. When we run around on a half-empty tank, we look for other people to provide us with the nurturing we deeply crave. 

We look for other people to make us happy, instead of looking within at how we can make ourselves happy first. 

You bring the most joy to others when you are happy and fulfilled. And taking a few extra moments of your day to take care of yourself pays off dividends in the long run -- mentally, emotionally, spiritually and even physically. 

What nourishes you is your medicine. What brings you back to life? off your notifications, and spend just one hour doing something that deeply recharges you. 60 minutes out of the day (or week!) to recharge your inner-battery. 

And remember, just breathe.

You got this. 


  1. Completely loved it Kristina.. The way you express is so refreshing to read and always motivational.. Your choice of words are amazing.. Keep writing 😊

    1. Thank you so much for reading it, Ankita! I'm always grateful for your support and encouragement. <3


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