Shadow Work: Release Self-Doubt
Ah, Spring. I'm back outside on my patio -- happily basking in the sun. Listening to the birds, breathing in fresh air -- winter is finally over! Kinda. (Ok, so tomorrow it may be rainy and cold but we take advantage of what we can get, right?!) The energy of spring and renewal is huge right now. Warmer weather. Spring break. Spring cleaning. So with that -- what needs to be swept away so we can step into the new bright energy of springtime? What shadows can we confront so we can jump into a brighter future? Here's a big one. Self-doubt. Self-doubt can be a suuuper sneaky tricky little thing. Case in point: a new, awesome opportunity will show up. I'm excited and happy and ready to take a chance and all of a sudden... Self-doubt creeps its way in. It slinks over everything. It feels like unease, settling on my skin, darkening my mood. It often shows up for me when I'm JUST about to do something new and then I find I'm about to talk m...