
Showing posts from July, 2022

Becoming you, by UN-becoming you.

Over the last several years, I went on a quest to really get to know myself.  And I wrote this particular blog post to let you in on the biggest "secret" I stumbled upon that really has made all the difference.  Want to know what it is? In order to know you, you have to UN-become you first.  Unraveling the old stories.  Taking a deep look at yourself and seeing — wait, is this REALLY me? Or is this just an old story I keep replaying? What do I actually want? You may be wondering — so how do I do THAT?  How do I un-become me? Step one : notice all the things in your life that don’t fit anymore . Like a pair of shoes you once loved, you can step right out of those and into something more comfortable. (But you have to become aware of how much they don’t fit — first!) For me, my first realization was that I was never meant to work in a traditional corporate structure. I never understood performance reviews and wasn’t truly motivated by promotions. Sure, getting a ni...