How to identify Fear vs. Intuition (& a BigMac)
Throughout my life, people said to me, "stop being so sensitive ." And it always made me think to myself... wait, my sensitivity should be stopped? Why? Has someone ever told you this? Did you start to believe, as I did, that your sensitivity was a bad thing? It took me years to learn this, but...often what other people describe as your "weakness", is actually your greatest strength. As a kid, I was perceptive. I would just know when someone was happy or angry -- even if they didn't say anything. I felt everyone else's pain like an earthquake, it would ripple through me and become my own pain. I'd be upset suddenly and I suddenly felt confused...wait, I was happy a moment before? Plus, I basically thought that if other people were angry, it was somehow my fault -- or that I needed to FIX the situation and make them happy. I could always pick up on things I FELT, even if there were no words said. At work over the years, I had bosses tell me not to ...