
Showing posts from February, 2023

How to: make a wish come true

Have you ever made a wish? Christians call this prayer . Spiritualists call this manifestation . Atheists call it the placebo effect . Scientists call it quantum physics . Whatever you want to call it, no one is denying its existence. The law of attraction is real, my friends, and today...this little blog post is going to give you some concrete examples and real techniques of how I made a wish come true...and how you can, too! Last winter, I had this very vivid  dream that I was wearing a beautiful green-silver stone around my neck in a necklace.  It was connected to my past somehow and it felt important. Plus the energy of it felt so calming and soothing that I knew I had to have this stone in my waking reality.  I didn't possess such a necklace currently, so I went where any logical person would look for unusual green stones...eBay. :) I'm scrolling and searching and suddenly, this beautiful shimmering green stone appears in my feed. It says it's called, "Seraphinite...