How to: make a wish come true

Have you ever made a wish?

Christians call this prayer.

Spiritualists call this manifestation.

Atheists call it the placebo effect.

Scientists call it quantum physics.

Whatever you want to call it, no one is denying its existence.

The law of attraction is real, my friends, and today...this little blog post is going to give you some concrete examples and real techniques of how I made a wish come true...and how you can, too!

Last winter, I had this very vivid
 dream that I was wearing a beautiful green-silver stone around my neck in a necklace. 

It was connected to my past somehow and it felt important.

Plus the energy of it felt so calming and soothing that I knew I had to have this stone in my waking reality. 

I didn't possess such a necklace currently, so I went where any logical person would look for unusual green stones...eBay. :)

I'm scrolling and searching and suddenly, this beautiful shimmering green stone appears in my feed.

It says it's called, "Seraphinite". Intriguing. 

I google it:

Seraphinite is a gem variety of Clinochlore, a magnesium iron aluminum silicate, characterized by a deep green color laced with shimmering patterns of silver that reflect light with changing angles of viewing, which looks like angel wings -- hence its reference to the Seraphim angels. It is the stone of healers and known for its high spiritual energy.

It's gorgeous. It literally is glowing off my screen and instantly, I knew this was it. This was the necklace I'd seen in my dream.

There was only one, teeny tiny issue.

The retailer was in the middle of nowhere. Literally.

Seraphinite is rare, and found primarily in Lake Baikal in Siberia, Russia.

By no coincidence, this is the largest freshwater lake on earth, and also the oldest and deepest -- its about 25-35 million years old.

This retailer was literally in Siberia, near the boarder of Mongolia.

Challenge accepted.

I clicked, "buy"--  and set the intention that this necklace would make its way from the other side of the world, to me.

Weeks went by, no necklace arrived. I waited patiently.

Finally, there was a notification on my phone that my necklace had been delivered by USPS!

I ran to look in my mailbox, excitedly....creaked the metal door open slowly, holding my breath...but the box was empty.

I checked my porch, looked over at my neighbors porches....nothing.

I contacted USPS (which is...always challenging) and they said that it HAD been delivered.

Just not to me.

Someone ELSE had received my beautiful necklace. But I didn't know who!

They, sadly, apologized but said they couldn't help me...items that had been mistakenly delivered couldn't be tracked.

They said it was gone for good. 

I went to Nextdoor (the social platform for neighborhoods) and put out a request that if anyone had seen a small white envelope or a small package with weird foreign writing on it that's coming from Siberia (I know), to please deliver it to me.

I waited a day or two. One person liked my post.

But no package arrived.

And so, undeterred, I decided to use some of my manifestation techniques that I learned.

According to the laws of attraction, there are 3 main components.

Law 1: You must desire that the event takes place. 

Check. I wanted that necklace.

Law 2: You must believe that the event can take place.

This is often where people get stuck...they want something, but they don't believe it can actually happen.

The trick I've found for this have to CONVINCE yourself that it can happen.

That you are worthy of it happening.

That present circumstances don't matter at all. Not one bit.

Neville Goddard teaches these principles in his book, Infinite Potential

He basically gives examples about how reality is flexible. 

This is hard to wrap your brain around, I know, but if you can do this, it absolutely pays dividends.

So, I made myself believe that there was no other option that this necklace coming home to me.

Law 3: You must then expect that the event takes place.

This is called "surrendering" to the outcome. You must expect it, but not be attached to it -- sort of like blowing on a dandelion wisp -- make the wish, and let it go, and expect that it will come true.

So, with this situation I did these three things.

I went to my meditation space and closed the door.

I lit a candle, sat down and closed my eyes. I invoked my angels, ancestors and guidance team for assistance, and truly DESIRED the necklace.

I visualized how the necklace would arrive in my mailbox.

I saw what kind of box it was in (black and white) and saw how the green stone glowed against the black cushion in the light. 

I visualized it being placed in my mailbox, and felt excitement at seeing it finally arrive.

And I, absolutely, truly BELIEVED it would happen. I visualized a gold cord wrapped around the necklace and pulled it towards me. 

I saw it around my neck.

I felt its energy and its power. I put my hand to my throat and felt what it would feel like to have the stone resting there.

I said thank you, and expressed gratitude, because I knew I had been heard.

I asked if there was any action I needed to take to help this take place...and I heard the word, "trust."

Message received.

So then, I let it go. I released all expectations around it. I simply knew it would happen. 

It didn't matter when, or how, or why. I just trusted that it would come to me.

I finished my meditation, thanked my guides for their assistance and let my candle burn out.

For the next week, I repeated this process. 

And even though I wasn't seeing the necklace appear immediately I continued to ignore reality and continued to show up every day with faith and happiness that it would appear. 

I was consistent and determined.

I would also mentally repeat things to myself like, "omg YES. I can't wait to wear this necklace!"and would use my words to boost the energy I had around receiving it. 

This is called, "living as if". 

But weirdly, I wasn't obsessed with it. Because if I was truly "living as if" I had it, I wouldn't be obsessed with it. 

I'd be on to my next manifestation. So you have to keep your energy in check, focused towards expansion -- no matter what you are experiencing. 

About a week later, I had just finished my meditation and I immediately felt a wave of excitement hit me. 

I KNEW I should check my mailbox.

In it....was a small, white envelope with foreign writing and strange postage. 

From Siberia.

What the...!

I rushed to grab a scissors and opened the envelope.

In it, was a small black box with a white top.

And in the box, a beautiful, iridescent green glowing pendant. 

My hands shook as I put it on, but I could feel every bit of the excitement I had put out there boomerang back to me. 

I was overwhelmed with gratitude and happiness!

Wishes do come true, my friends.

Now every time I wear this necklace, I believe even more strongly in the power of setting an intention, visualizing the outcome, feeling and believing it will happen, and letting it go.

You may be thinking to yourself...okaaaay. You got yourself a necklace, lady. 

That's nice. :)

But what the things that really a fulfilling job? Or better health? 

Or true, soul-deep love?

All of these things are possible as well. 

But first, you have to align yourself with the energy of what you want. 

Replace the thoughts of "it can't happen, it won't, it shouldn't" -- with -- "I can" and "I will" and "it is happening for me."

It's truly more of a mental exercise than anything else.

Can you starve yourself of doubt? 


Replace those doubts with positive affirmations.

Your mind is incredibly strong. Use it to work FOR you, not against you. 

Get crystal clear on what you want. Write it down if necessary.

Start believing that want you want IS possible.

Set that intention to attract it, feel into the energy of already having it, and convince yourself that even if you aren't seeing proof of it immediately, that doesn't mean it won't happen. 

On the's just waiting for you to become even more aligned with it. 

Don't give up! 

Miracles are natural.

Try this practice for yourself, maybe start with something small...and let me know what wishes come true for you!

I believe in you.

You got this!

PS: If you want a personalized guided meditation that may help with visualizing the best possible outcome for you, contact me! I'd love to help. 

PPS: I welcome your comments, and please feel free to share with others you think this may help. Thank you! xo

Lake Baikal, Siberia in winter...turquoise ice!


  1. How reassuringly beautiful! Thank you for offering action to move towards manifesting our desires and needs! btw, us Secularists might say: "I must let my desires be known to the universe to its power can guide and support me."

    1. David B. Bohl

    2. David, thank you so much -- this is such a beautiful sentiment and an excellent reminder! Thank you for your incredible support!


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