How to: Spring Clean Your Energy

Today we're going to talk about something non-traditional. And it's going to get a little dirty. Do I have your attention now? I'm only kidding! Let me ask you this: on a scale of 1-10... how clean do you think your energy field is? And you may be saying to yourself....perfectly clean. I just took a shower. Your physical body may be clean, but your energy body -- your aura, your chakras -- the energetic wheels that spin in different parts of your body...these frequently can gather energy and become clogged and stuck. Which then can make you feel stuck. Did you know that your energy field can collect other people's energy, or energy from places and objects that holds pain and grief...and then it STICKS to you? Even past energy of old events and situations that hasn't been cleared...imagine all of that sticking to your energy body, making you feel sluggish, heavy, sad or depressed. Like you've gone camping for a week but haven't been able to sho...