How to: Spring Clean Your Energy

Today we're going to talk about something non-traditional. And it's going to get a little dirty. 

Do I have your attention now? 

I'm only kidding! 

Let me ask you this: on a scale of 1-10... how clean do you think your energy field is?

And you may be saying to yourself....perfectly clean. I just took a shower.

Your physical body may be clean, but your energy body -- your aura, your chakras -- the energetic wheels that spin in different parts of your body...these frequently can gather energy and become clogged and stuck. 

Which then can make you feel stuck.

Did you know that your energy field can collect other people's energy, or energy from places and objects that holds pain and grief...and then it STICKS to you? 

Even past energy of old events and situations that hasn't been cleared...imagine all of that sticking to your energy body, making you feel sluggish, heavy, sad or depressed. 

Like you've gone camping for a week but haven't been able to shower. Eek.


Today, I'm going to show you a few quick ways to clear the energy from you, from objects, from your home, and call in joy to replace it. do you know if you're carrying around stuck energy?

Ok, let me paint a picture...a true story. 

You're at work, and you need to be at a meeting in 10 minutes. You've been happily working at your desk, jamming out, maybe you're smiling to yourself. It's been a productive, calm day.

As you walk down the hall toward the conference room, you hear slightly raised voices and murmurs of dissension. You walk into the room and it falls silent. 

You can literally feel the tension in the room from the previous discussion, but your colleagues greet you with a tense "hello". 

You greet them softly and sit down, feeling uneasy, uncomfortable. You say nothing, but feel a bit like your happy balloon has burst. 

They start complaining about the client you're about to talk to, and you feel your energy being zapped a bit. You may even start agreeing with your colleagues and start to feel upset yourself. 

You were perfectly happy 5 minutes ago before you walked into this room. What happened?

Everything is energy. Including emotions, especially emotions. 

Check out the chart below... pre-meeting -- you were in an energy of acceptance (350) and your colleagues were in an energy of anger (150) and pride (175). 

Walking into that room lowered your vibration instantly, because in order to vibrate on the same level as others, we have to match the energy they are in. 

In this case, you lowered your energy vibration to make them feel comfortable

(Because it would have struck a strange chord if you immediately and cheerily said, "HI GUYS! HAPPY TUESDAY, HOW IS EVERYBOOODY?!") 

Your coworkers may have looked at you like you were more than a little odd, right?

So instead, you, lowered your energy vibration to match theirs. And now they gifted you with that energy. 

You leave that meeting feeling depleted and drained. Ugh.

So how do you FIX this? 

First things first, recognize that energy that's given to you needs to be accepted by you.

You can simply refuse to accept the energy they are giving you. When you have strong energy boundaries (and clear your energy often with the techniques below and energy clearing meditations, you'll find other people's energy affects you less and less.)

(Or, you could SKIP the meeting, or if this is happening a lot...maybe find a new job altogether...but that's a different story!)

But if this does happen, you can CLEAR your energy of negativity. 

Here's how: 

Option 1 || Golden Light: 

  • When you leave a meeting or a tense situation, go find a quiet space. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and ground your energy a bit. 
  • Imagine a big bubble of white or golden light around your whole body and say into this light:
  • I clear, cleanse and release any and all energy that is not my own, that is not to my highest good. And so it is. 
  • When you set the intention, a powerful intention to release the energy that's not yours to carry, the universe responds directly and quickly. 
  • You'll feel a palpable shift when you do this! 

Option 2 || Spiritual Cleanse: 

  • Take a small bowl and fill it with salt -- any salt works, but I really like Himalayan salt or sea salt. 
  • You can bless the salt with your intention to clear and release any and all energy that isn't to your highest good. 
  • Then, when you take a shower or bath, put some of this salt in your hands and mix it with the water and set that intention again -- to clear from your energy field and aura any energy that isn't yours. 
  • Salt is a powerful cleansing and purifying tool that has been used since the time of the Egyptians and beyond, and many ancient cultures used the salt water of the oceans for ritual practices of cleansing. 
  • Again, visualize that golden or white light around you while you bath and release into the light anything that doesn't serve you. Like you are washing away all the negative emotions from your body, like dirt. 
  • You will feel MUCH better!

Option 3 || Smudging: 

  • You can grab a stick of palo santo (holy wood), sage or sweetgrass and wave the smoke around your body in a circular motion to release any energy that doesn't belong to you.
  • As you wave this smoke, imagine any negative energy being dissolved in the smoke and replaced with positive energy. 
  • This technique has been used by the indigenous tribes for generations, and the smoke works to gently release and transmute any energy that doesn't serve you. 

You can use any of these to cleanse your space as well -- put a small dish of salt by your doors, or salt water works wonderfully when you put a little around your doors and windows. 

Some cultures put a dish of salt under their beds to keep bad dreams away.

 You can also smudge sage or palo santo in a circle around your home -- just make sure to open the windows so you can let the old energy out.

Remember, any heavy energy you feel in the moment is temporary -- and you have the power to clear it!

After you clear the energy, repeat to yourself a mantra or an affirmation that makes you feel happy:

  • I believe in myself.
  • I am resilient in the face of challenges. 
  • I take care of myself in mind, body and spirit. 
  • I love and accept myself.
  • I am safe and supported. 

Two really exceptional books on clearing and maintaining your energy are: Energy Strands as well as Letting Go: A Pathway to Surrender

Thank you for reading, thank you for being you.

I believe in you -- KEEP GOING.

Deep breath. You got this!


  1. Thank you Kristina. I need to do spring cleaning this winter lol. Also I realize I have been taking salt baths without setting an intention to the salt and cleanse itself, your tips are great will give it a try!

    1. Thank you so much for reading and for your support. I'm so glad you found this post helpful, and I'm proud of you for already taking the salt baths! This is just the next layer that adds to it. Enjoy!


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