How to: upgrade your life

BEEEEEP BEEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEEP Noooooo not AGAIN. UGH. My smoke alarm was wailing loudly, demanding I pay attention to whatever was causing that horrible smell in my kitchen. I raced downstairs in my pjs, hair half curled -- to hastily grab an oven mit and yank open the oven door. Black smoke floated out of my oven around a sad piece of charred black sourdough f or the second time this week. Craaaaap. I sigh as I carry the cookie sheet over to the trash bin and toss the toast, feeling dejected. And ...hungry. I'm rushing out the door, and I don't have a toaster, so I have a habit of throwing my toast under the broiler on 550 degrees -- and walking away to go get ready for my day. Yeahhhh. I know, this isn't the BEST pattern. It is one that has not served me well. And usually results in burnt toast, a horrible smell, and a smoke alarm that very loudly announces juuust how much you screwed up at 7:30am. Fantastic. Here's the thing though. I burned...