
How to: shift your mood

If you are reading this blog on or anytime near September 8th, 2023... I salute you. Massive congratulations to you!   YOU DID IT. WOOOHOOO!! You're probably thinking..."ok, Kristina has lost her mind..." Nope. It's because you made it through this week.  And this was a WEEK. I have no idea what it is this week, but the vibe was just...odd. And off. (Yes, mercury is in retrograde, haha.)  Everyone I know is working through some tough emotions.  There's the shift of the weather as we move into fall, kids going back to school...  However... almost every person I spoke to this week was dealing with some sort of intense challenge -- health, work, personal, etc. I've heard of more accidents this week than I have in a long time.  Literally, I was at the grocery store and a woman was MUGGED in the parking lot.  I know.  So I have no idea what energy the universe was throwing at us...but it wasn't pretty. And sometimes, all of those challenges seem to pile up and

How to: alchemize self-hate into self-love

Want to know a secret on how to kick negative thoughts to the curb for good ? Let me tell you a little story.  I want to introduce you to someone that I've disinvited from my life. My inner-critic.  Ooo, I have lived with this little b#%th my entire life. She is NOT fun. Nope. She was the part of me I hid the most, so no one had ever met her but me.  (TBH: Even writing about this is mildly uncomfortable, but if this post helps anyone, I'm happy!)  You see this version of me now, that one that's a happy, peaceful, healed/(ing) person? Well, to get there, I had to fight off someone completely different.  She is the definition of negative Nancy.  I'm a Virgo sun, with a Capricorn moon.  I know how to work hard and diligently towards my goals -- I've got great focus.  I also know how to use my thoughts as weapons against me.  The very textbook definition of INNER CRITIC. I used to beat myself up for literally anything that went wrong. Truly -- I was harder on

How to: love unconditionally

This blog post on love was inspired by a tattoo.  Random, as far inspiration goes, but you'll see its significance soon.  Rewinding back in time to about 2010, let me set the scene: I was a 24 year old (rather clueless) grad student, living in the Catholic Financial Life tower on Marquette's campus.  I was in school to get my MBA and I was working for the university as a graduate assistant in the marketing research department, so it made sense for me to live on campus -- in a high rise building that was half insurance company, half apartment building.  What I didn't realize at this time, is that I would meet someone I really, truly loved in the most RANDOM of places: the security desk.  And before I get too deep, this is not a romantic love story. No, this is about the kind of love that was born from a deep, mutual respect.  A soul connection.  The kind of unconditional love that people tell you isn't real...I promise you, it is. The story begins in the lobby. With a p

How to: find out who you REALLY are

Let me ask you a question. If I were to ask you — who are you? ….what would you tell me? I bet many of you would look at me and tell me what you do for a living.   Or what success you have achieved in life.   Or about your family.  Where you come from. All of this is incredible, and absolutely a part of who you are.   But I want to challenge you to go a little the root of it all.  You ready? Let’s start….by taking it ALL off.  (Ooo!) (Do I have your attention now?! Just kidding!) Ok.... Take off all the “titles” from work…director, CEO, manager, etc.   Take off the  familial “roles” you play…mother/father/sister/brother/son/daughter… remove it all.     If you took off the school diplomas. Your religious affiliation.   Your age.   The zip code you live in.   Your political affiliation.   Any box that society uses to “define” you — remove it.   All of it.   Alright, let me ask again.   Who are you now? You would tell me...well…I am…ME.   I am my beliefs.   I am my values.