Training your mind (is like training a puppy)

So I recently did something a little bit crazy.

I brought a new little creature into my world —  a now 13 week old mini goldendoodle named Sage. 

She's been an absolutely wonderful addition* to my life, and now I finally understand why people love their pets so much. They become your world. 

(Mostly wonderful...she can also be a tiny baby snapping turtle with veerrrrry sharp white puppy teeth. Waiting for this phase to end. With grace, God willing.)

I’m hoping that her name imbues wisdom and clarity to her disposition, and she IS smart — but if any of you that are reading this have ever trained a puppy — my hat goes off to you, my friends. You get all the credit in the world. 


It is. WORK. 

But it’s so rewarding. 

I’ve learned that there are a billion ways you can say your dog's name —

Saagge. (Lovingly. When she’s curled on the couch next to me and being the sweetest most adorable thing ever. This is usually post nap). 

SAGE. (Get off the couch/screen/chair or please stop chewing my throw pillow/phone/laptop.)

Sage!?! (When she hides under the couch because its cool and dark and I can’t find her anywhere).

SAG-e. (Please stop barking at the chipmunk. Or her shadow. Please. Stop. Please!?!)

Good girl, Sage!! (Like when she proudly fetches her toy and brings it to my feet triumphantly). 

But I’ve realized that training a puppy isn’t that different than doing inner work — soul work. 

Both require tremendous amounts of patience. There will be mistakes. 

Both will keep you awake in the middle of the night. 

Both can be frustrating. There are good days and bad days. 

Both are messy. There’s no set way or straight path.

Both will wander away frequently (and you gently and firmly guide them back to focus...)

Both are incredibly rewarding. And FUN. 

Both provide love. 

Both help you understand yourself in a way you never knew before. 

When I first got this dog, I had absolutely zero clue as to what I was doing. I’ve never had a dog before, much less a puppy. 

The same when I started to do inner-work. I had no idea what I was doing.

So with both — I sought credible sources of information. (Thank God for Google — “my dog swallowed an entire bully stick in one sitting is she dying now” Oy.)

Everyone started reaching out to me with suggestions — playlists, books, treats, youtube videos, toys — it was a whole new world of learning a skill — how to train your dog to not be a total spazball. 

Essentially, I needed to be trained, so I could train HER!

I’m so grateful for literally every tip and suggestion and bit of help (please keep it coming!) because each day is a learning experience.

It's often about ME needing to stay calm and resist any emotional reaction to her -- and strive to keep up as much positive reinforcement as possible to reward her good behavior.

It's about being patient with her. 

And me...being patient with me.

And having credible sources of information to rely on for answers when needed.

Similarly with inner-work. 

When you have a "spiritual awakening" you often have a lot of questions — there are so many excellent sources of information, but also there are many that can be misleading. It’s hard to know who or what to trust. 

So over the last few years, I've compiled a few resources to help anyone who's interested in spirituality, meditation and mindfulness. These have either been recommendations from others or some I've stumbled upon. 

But here’s what I’ve found helpful:

Apps for Meditation/Mindfulness — the ultimate in clearing your mind. 

— Mindvalley (I took Jeffery Allen's course on Energy Healing called Duality and it was incredible)

— Calm -- listen to it to help drift off to sleep!

— Insight Timer -- tons of great meditations, all free

— EFT Tapping Solution -- instant chill


So many books. Here are a few that I love that have helped open my mind: 

—  Dreams of Awakening -- Charlie Morely

— Energy Strands — Denise Lynn

— The Secret —  Rhonda Byrne

— Infinite Potential — Neville Goddard

— Many Lives, Many Masters — Dr. Brian Weiss

— The Mind Control Method — Dr. Jose Silva

— A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws -- Diana Cooper


— Binaural tones - different hertz healing music for meditation and energy clearing (Spotify has tons of these, 528 hz is one of my favorites)

— Spiritual mantras (Edo and Jo has beautiful spiritual music that is truly soul-filling). 

Other Stuff

I also love to meditate with crystals (I recommend amethyst to everyone, its very healing — as well as a type of grounding crystal (obsidian, hematite, tourmaline). 

I also use Palo Santo and sage (catch the inspiration there?) and beeswax candles to clear my space and mind before meditation. 

Salt and salt water is also incredibly cleansing — taking a salt bath or pouring salt water over your hands and head helps cleanse any residual negative energy. 

Also -- supplements! I'm a big fan of natural remedies and vitamins in general (I take zinc, elderberry, Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 daily) but for stress --  ashwagandha and passion flower have been super helpful. I've recently tried magnesium as well, which has been wonderful. 

I’ve found that some things work better than others, and some tools will work better for you than for me! It’s very individualized. But the key is — don’t take anything too seriously. Find what works for you. 

For some people meditation is a very structured 30 minute session — for others, its a bike ride or a long walk. It’s painting. It’s a deep yoga session. It's cooking a delicious meal. It is prayer in a sacred space. 

Do what feels right for you to connect to your inner voice. 

And when in doubt…go into nature. I’ve found that being outside in the sun is the most healing place of all -- especially when you can breathe in the fresh air and forget the world for a while.

And when it all seems like a lot? When your thoughts (or your puppy) are running around in circles and you just can't take another minute? 

Give yourself a mini time-out. A break. 

Take a 20 minute nap if you can. 

Go easy on you!

Pour yourself a glass of your favorite something (iced tea, coffee, or hell -- a glass of Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio…) and just relax. Sit in the sun for a minute and close your eyes. 

Take a deep breath. You got this. 

Don't give up. It's always hard to see the top of the mountain when you're climbing it...but keep climbing. 

I believe in you!

PS: Photo below was taken right before Sage licked my nose and insisted on continuing our walk -- even she says -- let's keep going!


  1. This is so beautifully written and it's full of great motivation.. Your way of expression is so unfiltered. Keep it up.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment and support! <3


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