Do you know how powerful you are? (Hint: VERY. Read on!)

A little confession: I used to worry about everything

And it weirdly calmed me. 

Right?! I know.

Worrying was like a rubik's cube for me -- something I'd pick up so that I could "do"or think of SOMETHING even if I felt powerless to do anything.

When life was out of control, I let my thoughts control me. 

I'd read those posts that would say, "think a positive thought" and my little inner cynic would respond... "Ha! Yeah, right. All I can think of is the worst that's going to happen."


And the posts about love and light? Forget about it. 

One of the biggest things I've learned over the last few years is that spirituality is not all "love and light". 

Quite the opposite! (And please be wary of anyone that tells you it is...!)

It's often exploring those dark, dusty, hidden thoughts that you've shoved under a rug. 

The parts of you that you're like -- nope. 

That's not pretty. I can't think about it. That hurt too much. 

But what meditation and spiritual practice does is it gently calls attention those very thoughts from you and asks you to observe them without reacting to them, and choose a different thought.

This is healing work.

Think of it like...shining a flashlight on the dark thoughts. 

If you can name them, and question them, they aren't quite as scary. You confront them instead of letting them control you. 

Shadow work often looks like: 

  • What AM I feeling after this person/event triggered me?
  • Where have I been playing small?
  • Where have I seen myself as a victim?
  • Am I feeling powerless right now? Why?

Some of my more shadowy thoughts were steeped in the feelings of self-doubt. Of worthlessness.

8 of swords moments -- trapped in a prison of your own thoughts. 

Things that sounded like: I can't. I shouldn't. I won't. I'm not good enough. I'll never be good enough. What will people think?

And I told myself those stories for years! 

Vulnerable moment. Years ago, I thought: 

I'm not brave enough to quit my advertising job. 

I'm not good enough to start my own business, I don't know what I'm doing. 

What if I don't make any money? What if I fail?

Here's another one: 

What if I don't feel 100% supported by the religion I grew up with...the one that's been in my family for literally hundreds of years? I feel like God lives WITHIN me, constantly, not in a church.

What will my friends and family think? Will they stop loving me?


What if I told them that I actually feel lonely at a crowded bar or a party, but truly at peace at home or in nature? 

What would people think if I actually spoke my mind, and told them what I thought? 

Would they judge me?

Would I lose friends? 

Would people think I'm a "bad" person? 

Until one day, I was meditating and that still, small voice that I've come to know as my connection to God said, 

"Why do you care so much what other people think? Let go of that."

And I thought about it -- I cared A LOT about what other people thought of me. 

A lot.

And I let their opinions of me, and what I should or shouldn't do...control my life. 

And then I finally said -- "It's MY life. I get to choose what I want to do with it. I AM enough."

But to do that, I had to go within and speak to those very thoughts I was avoiding.

No one can change you, but you. 

And that comes from within. 

Hint: that's where your power lives. 

The biggest part of growth is when you can look WITHIN and analyze your thoughts and patterns. 

Observe them, without reacting to them, and then choose differently. 

So let's say, you're facing some conflict in your life. 

There's a way to look at conflict with truth and realism to grow and change from it rather than feel victimized by it.

Or just wishing the conflict away. 

Because when you experience conflict, it's often the Universe's way of saying:

"Oh hello. Here's a massive shakeup to present a new choice for you -- would you like to continue in the OLD way of doing things? Or would you like to try a new way? Here's your golden opportunity!"

Often the OLD way looks like this:

  • Fear of taking action. 
  • Fear of the future.
  • Fear of what other people think.
  • Fear of speaking your mind. 
  • Fear of more bad things coming. 
  • Fear of admitting what you love.
And this fear causes us to do nothing, and things stay the same. 

Here's the secret: fear and conflict also comes from within. Look to find the GOOD inside instead.

Flip the script! Think THIS instead:

  • Where can you celebrate yourself? 
  • Where have you SUCCEEDED in the past, despite the conflict?
  • Where have you chosen love over fear?
  • Where have you made a choice that honors what you truly want and will make you happy?
  • Where have you taken a leap and it all worked out?
  • Where can you celebrate your wins and how FAR you've come?

If you haven't celebrated you today, please take this moment to do so. 


Look back at the last 5 years of your life, and think of a few moments where you triumphed through something difficult.

It could have been a health crisis, a challenging project at work or school, a struggle with a relationship or with your kids or your parents, or even a financial issue. 

(Hell, even Covid! That was rough for all of us!!)


You have gotten through every single bad day of your life. 

Take that as confirmation that you can do anything. 

I celebrate you!

So...the next time you're feeling sad or triggered by a situation, here are a few steps to reclaim your power.


Step 1: Take a deep breath. Let it go.

Step 2: Bring everything to a grinding halt. Shut your laptop. Put your phone down.

Step 3: Observe how you're feeling. Observe what you're thinking. 

And if you start feeling powerless with thoughts of, "Ugh, I can't do this, this sucks, I hate this, this person is awful..."

Recognize that this is a huge opportunity to CHANGE your thinking! 

Step 4: Take another deep breath. 

Step 5: Try one of these thoughts instead (you can write them on a sticky note so you remember them!)

"This situation is only temporary. I can do this."

"Other people don't control my feelings. Only I do."

"I can't account for how other people feel. I'm accountable for how I feel."

"I love and respect myself. I honor my own value, I don't need external validation."

"I've gotten through difficult situations in the past. I have succeeded, and I will again."

And imagine yourself succeeding. 

Imagine the end state without ANY conflict. And put yourself in the space where everything works out. 

Where you put your attention, energy flows. 

So...what if you could focus on the BEST possible outcome? 

Imagine yourself in the best situation possible and watch that become your reality.

This is what changes things for the better. 

This isn't "love and light", my friends. 

This is shifting your internal thought patterns to help you become the creator of your reality.

Show your thoughts who is boss. 

Wisdom comes when we no longer act reactively but rather are aware of the themes woven through our lives. 

You ARE powerful. Your thoughts ARE the power. 

And if ever you don't feel this way?

Call in your power. Feel all the special things that make you powerful.

Your gifts. 

Your abilities. 

Your inner knowing. 

The joy you bring to the world by simply being YOU. 

No one can take any of those things from you.


You got this!


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