Goodbye old you, hello new you!

Have you ever felt like you've

That your life doesn't "fit" quite like it used to...

Like the things that USED to make you happy simply don't satisfy you anymore?

Do you feel stuck?

Well, I want to congratulate you. You have MADE it!

This, my friend, is when the magic starts happening. Truly.





You may be thinking -- um, yeah... right. 

What magic?! This does not feel magical, Kristina. 

Feeling stuck can feel...well. 


And my response to that is...

YES. It does. I get it.

That's how it might feel in the beginning, but it doesn't last.

I promise. 

A whole new path is opening up to you, you just have to look for it. 

If you're willing to make a tiny change to become un-stuck -- that is literally the best life choice you can make for yourself.

So how do you start?

First. Know that your hesitation is normal

Healing is nearly always met with resistance. 

I can’t, I won’t, it’s not possible. Nope. Not for me. 

This is your ego digging in its heels. Hard. 

But what if you approached it slowly, carefully — small steps forward, what does adjusting one small thing look like? 

Don’t try to conquer all your fears and shadows at once, start small. 

(PS: Maybe don't follow my example here...I quit my full time job, started a full-time freelance business and booked a 4 month remote working trip to South America all within a few months.

Then COVID hit and Peru shut down its borders and I was stuck in Peru for months.

The universe took my need for a change and RAN with it!)

Soooo know that change doesn't mean you quit your job tomorrow and buy a one-way ticket to Thailand. 

Change is not what we do.

What we do is a reaction to change. Change always starts from within. 

Sometimes change is an epiphany around why we have been stuck in the same old pattern, year after year. 

Or it's a moment of clarity. 

Or it's a decision, "I will no longer walk this path."

But did I WANT to change originally? 


I was obsessed with "crushing it" at work, over-caffeinating myself and pushing myself to exhaustion each day, only to rinse and repeat. 

My spirituality practice was only on a surface level, I squeezed in HIIT workouts, I'd go out late and drink on weekends even when I was exhausted and depleted.  

I hated being alone with my thoughts. 

My nervous system had lived so long in a fight-or-flight environment that I was addicted to the adrenaline of the fast-paced, deadline-driven advertising world. 

And resting was impossible.

I could not rest my body. I could not rest my mind. And my soul felt restless.

I felt STUCK, until the universe gave me a HUGE opportunity in Peru to pause, deeply.

To really take a good hard look at my life and make some changes. 

Working less hours meant making less money, but translated to better boundaries with work and my energy increased. 

I learned to sit with my thoughts in daily meditation, even if they were uncomfortable. 

I spent a lot of time alone. Real talk: sometimes dealing with deep depression.

There were lots of days I didn't want to get out of bed, or days the tears wouldn't stop. 

I had to purge the old-self out of my system.

And slowly, my life started...shifting. I started healing.

I found mentors and friends that helped tremendously.

I started taking classes in things that had always interested me -- energy healing being one of them. 

I started feeling and releasing emotions that had been trapped in my body all my life. And for many lifetimes before that. 

I started taking responsibility for my words, my actions, my thoughts. My spiritual practice deepened and I found my faith. 

And with that, I started healing layer by layer, day by day, and now I can proudly say I wake up and feel so, incredibly grateful just to be here. 

I know I have more work to do, but every day gives me an opportunity to love myself and others just a little bit more. 

I am HAPPY being me. My soul feels peaceful. 

I feel aligned with my life and that it's moving forward.

Finding your identity is HARD work. It is.

But I don't miss my old identity. 

Letting your old self dissolve — letting go of the past, the old stories, the way things used to be, the things you may regret... may be challenging, but it is so worth it.

Instead of wishing for a different outcome in the past, look at the incredible lesson you learned in that moment. 

And know that you’ve learned it, so you can move forward into something even better.

So, how do you become a new you?

What’s one small thing you’ve always wanted to change about your life? 

Maybe you first make a small health change — less coffee, less alcohol. A few other ideas:

  • More rest. More moments of stillness.
  • Creating some space for yourself to relieve the pressure of life. 
  • More nature. More walking in the sun. More time by the water. 
  • More sleeeeeeep!! (I love sleep and think its so healing). 
  • Unsubscribe from emails and content creators that drain you. 
  • Try to go an entire day without critiquing yourself. You are amazing.
  • Try to starve yourself of worrying for one full can do it!
  • Put a little post-it note on your desk that simply says, "all is well". Because it is, right?
  • Then the next day, look in the mirror and repeat a positive affirmation to yourself. 
  • Compliment someone you work with, genuinely. Watch them smile and feel their joy.
  • Look back at your life and celebrate YOU. You have come so far!
  • Maybe the next day you journal about what makes you feel less powerful and what makes you feel more powerful. 
  • Maybe join a class for something that truly interests you -- yoga, art, meditation, creative writing, breathwork etc.
  • Call up an elderly friend or neighbor and genuinely converse with them. Their wisdom is astonishing.
  • Call a friend and get coffee, talk about the deep stuff. Hold space for each other. 
  • Start a daily gratitude practice. 
  • Opt out of things that you feel obligated to do, and start expressing healthy boundaries when you need to do so.

You do one thing a day and by the end of a week, you WILL feel different. 

I promise. 

You are making incredible progress, and shifting your energy day by day.

Bit by bit, you spend less time doing what you used to do — and more time doing things that feed your soul. 

You start living authentically. 

So...if your body is urging you to quit certain foods, do it.

If your gut is urging you to connect with certain people, do it. 

If your heart is urging you to travel, take a break, or take a class, do it. 

Your higher self always knows what is best for you. 

I invite you to evaluate and step away from the things that drain your valuable energy, and put your energy into the things that nourish you instead.

This is the magic that changes lives, my friends. 

And it starts with one small step. 

Pretty soon you look back and you’re living a whole new life as a whole. new. you

Remember this: you will never miss out on what’s meant for you!!!

Everything is always aligning in your favor at just the right the time.

You are right where you need to be. 

I believe in you, and I'm so proud of you for making this choice to honor yourself.

Keep going. 

I am so proud of you. 



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