New Year, More Alignment
Let me ask you a question.
Who... or what... did you want to be when you grew up?
Think back to when you were a child, when someone asked you this -- what was your first response?
I know, it may seem silly.
But it's fun to do.
Think back to when there was no pressure to be... anything.
Did you want to astronaut?
Ms. America?
The President of the United States?
A deep sea diver?
Mine was...a teacher.
Yup. Specifically, a music teacher.
I LOVED music. In fact, I still love to sing.
I took many years of piano lessons and though those didn't really catch on as much, I can still plunk out "Happy Birthday"and "Carol of the Bells"...surprisingly!! was my beloved grandfather (who had HAD this job, once upon a time) who told me that it wouldn't bring me happiness.
This honestly made me very sad at the time.
I wanted to be like him.
I wanted to offer joy through music to people, as he did.
But he told me that it would not make me a lot of money.
He said I should follow my father's path and learn business and marketing instead.
It would be stable.
I listened to him... and I don't regret the incredible education I received...because its helped me in so many ways.
But now I'm at the point in my life where I've stared to ask myself, when faced with any decision...
Is this truly aligned with my soul?
And the answers that come back are often surprising.
It's my raw, inner truth.
This is from the innermost "me".
The "me" that existed before societal or even family pressure SHOULD get this job.
You SHOULD do this with your life.
You NEED to make this amount of money.
While you read this blog today, I ask you all to drop all the titles, the roles, the "shoulds" that you've held, either from yourself or others...
and just allow your mind and your heart to explore...
What feels in alignment with your most INNER YOU?
Today, I want to invite you to explore the idea of making 2025...a year of stronger, better alignment with your SOUL. do we do that? 3 steps...
Step 1: Define Goals that Align with Your Innermost Self
People are talking about creating great lists of SMART goals and planning out what they want to do in the new year.
I'll pick three...random goals.
- to lose weight
- make more money/save more money
- find love/friendship/companionship
All of these are worthwhile goals!
But let's throw a filter on it -- and NOT an instagram filter!
I'd ask you to look at this from the lens can I make each goal in deeper alignment with me?
Do I want to lose 10 pounds...or....
do I want to FEEL healthy?
What do I need to do to bring more healthy energy into my life?
Do I need to find some healthy, delicious foods I can cook for myself?
Do I need to join a fitness class that aligns with my energy?
Do I need more REST?
Do I need to take a break from alcohol/caffeine/weed/sugar?
Have I been considering my mental, and even spiritual health?
This little internal exploration may lead to understanding your own uniqueness and making a choice that really aligns with YOU.
What do YOU need right now to feel like you are thriving?
Ok, next goal. Money.
Money is energy, my friends.
It's unlikely that you will make more money -- long-term -- doing something you genuinely hate.
I know, that may ruffle some feathers, but it's the truth.
If you spend every day telling yourself, "I don't hate every single minute of this stupid job" -- when you know you do...
Look towards your body, it always tells the truth.
If you are truly exhausted, facing burnout, and feeling depressed...
(I have been there, my friends --- and I give you my total empathy, it is NOT easy)...
Take a moment to really go within and ask yourself:
Am I truly happy in this job?
Am I thriving or surviving?
And if it is "surviving"...
Recognize that there is a NEW option.
You are NOT stuck.
You have the power of CHOICE.
You can choose differently.
It is allowing yourself to see that there are more options than the one that you are in.
Invite explore.
What ELSE interests you?
What are your skills?
What do you really ENJOY doing?
Follow that nudge.
Here's another little secret...
Go pursue what you LOVE.
Even IF you make less money.
I know.
That's a revolutionary perspective and I'm here for it!
Sometimes...doing what you love may not bring you as much financial gain as your old job that you hated (originally!)...
But it will pay back in DIVIDENDS far greater than money.
What if I told you it could give you...
...better sleep.
...less anxiety.
...a feeling of purpose and fulfillment.
...the ability to potentially help other people and change their life for the better.
I know, sounds radical, right? But I'm here to tell can DO it.
So what if the goal becomes instead...I'm going to pursue the work that brings me JOY.
Whatever, and however that looks for you.
Taking one small step towards finding...a job that you really LIKE.
People that you enjoy working with.
Something that aligns to your talents.
A job that celebrates your uniqueness.
Something that lights up your soul.
What does THAT work look like?
How do you move closer to that?
Ok, third goal. Love. Friendship. Companionship.
Here's the always starts as an inside job.
How can you bring more TRUE you?
Loving all the beautiful parts and pieces of yourself?
Looking at yourself in the mirror and saying --
I love and accept who I am, truly.
All the parts and pieces.
The light and the shadows.
It's telling that little inner critic to pipe down and instead, reminding yourself how capable you really are.
That is TRUE love, my friends.
Because self-acceptance is the key to finding healthy, secure love.
You can only offer true love and acceptance to a partner as deeply as you offer true love and acceptance to yourself.
It's when we don't need validation from our partner or the outside world...
we can give this love to ourselves.
So I invite you this year, to first...bring this incredible love to YOU.
So maybe that goal looks like.... I want to radically love MYSELF and attract a partner that does the same.
Because you deserve THIS, my friend.
Step 2: Honor Your Uniqueness
Can I tell you a secret?
You have way more power than you think.
You are magnificent.
Your unique way of being is INCREDIBLE.
Celebrate this, my friend!
Celebrate your perspective.
Celebrate your openness to try something new.
Your bravery.
Your self-expression.
Your body.
Your mind.
The way you respond to people with kindness.
2025 is holding a door open to you that says....hey.
I see how amazing you are.
Can you see this too?
Can you see your uniqueness?
Your power?
The power in your own perspective?
Here's an alternative option... instead of writing out a long list of goals and resolutions and even intentions for the new year -- just think about this.
Ask yourself: what is the impact I want to make on this world?
And what is one small step I need to take in 2025 to get there?
Maybe that's sharing more joy, more happiness.
Maybe that's bringing more peace.
Maybe that's helping our earth/our environment.
Maybe that's bringing others inspiration and healing.
Maybe it's helping bring financial stability to others.
Maybe it's creating homes for people who do not have them.
Whatever it is...
This IMPACT comes though something you LOVE.
Which leads us to...
Step 3: Try something NEW!!
What is one hobby you wanted to try but haven't done it yet?
This year, I have spoken to people who have told me that they found a hidden passion for...
rock climbing
making sourdough bread (me too!!)
watercolor painting
salsa dancing
plant medicine
learning martial arts/self defense
taking a cooking/dance/basketweaving class
trying a new holistic practice
And so much more!
Whatever it is...follow what is nudging you to take action...
Please...give it a chance.
Even if you don't like it originally, that's OK!
You tried it!
And I'm so proud of you.
You took an action without overthinking it!
You said to the universe...ok, cool. I'm going to try something new.
Let's see what happens.
This leap of faith is always, ALWAYS rewarded, my friends.
Even if you don't see the outcome immediately.
Your bravery, your willingness to TAKE ACTION towards something that's calling towards your soul...
This is what brings in all the beautiful things to your life.
So while I'm not a music teacher like I wanted to be when I was a kid...I DO teach now.
I teach about meditation, energy healing and how to connect to your intuition and spiritual self.
Every single day I meet incredible people that bring an immense amount of joy to my life.
Every single day people tell me that I have helped them.
Every day they hug me and I feel ridiculously GIDDY inside, and I am so incredibly grateful that this is my life.
Nothing brings me more joy that seeing someone see their own inner fire light up within them.
I am thrilled, and truly humbled, by this work.
And while it hasn't been easy to pursue it -- trust me, I had to make peace with a lot of self-doubt -- it has been SO worthwhile.
So this year, I invite you to find one thing.
Just one thing.
That your soul is calling you towards.
That could be a place to visit.
A new activity you want to try.
A new job.
A new hobby.
A relationship.
A friendship.
And set the intention that if this is in DEEP soul alignment for you in 2025...
It will FIND A WAY to show up for you.
Because I truly believe that what you want, wants you.
And that you will never, ever miss what is meant for you.
I'm so proud of you, my friends.
Thank you for following your inner truth.
Thank you for trusting yourself.
Thank you for having the COURAGE to be matter what society says or thinks.
Happy 2025.
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