
Sharing Stories

Have you ever read one of those books that you simply can't put down? You know, the ones where you become just a little obsessed with it. You pick up the book whenever you had 5 minutes just to get in one. more. chapter. You walked around the house with it.  You read it while you were drinking coffee, eating lunch, walking on the treadmill (aka in my case: falling off the treadmill....!!) You felt like you were totally living this character's life -- feeling their happiness, sadness, excitement, relief.  These books are the best, because the author knows how to write to encapsulate empathy -- you feel with AND for this character in your novel. Stories are powerful.  Sometimes it's good to reflect on the stories we tell ourselves.  The good AND the bad. We tell ourselves stories about who we are.  Who we were.  Who we want to become.  Sometimes (like a game of telephone) the stories we tell ourselves can get a little distorted.  We often tell ourselves things that simply

Shadow Work: Release Self-Doubt

Ah, Spring.  I'm back outside on my patio -- happily basking in the sun.  Listening to the birds, breathing in fresh air -- winter is finally over! Kinda.  (Ok, so tomorrow it may be rainy and cold but we take advantage of what we can get, right?!) The energy of spring and renewal is huge right now.  Warmer weather. Spring break.  Spring cleaning.  So with that -- what needs to be swept away so we can step into the new bright energy of springtime? What shadows can we confront so we can jump into a brighter future? Here's a big one. Self-doubt.  Self-doubt can be a suuuper sneaky tricky little thing.  Case in point: a new, awesome opportunity will show up. I'm excited and happy and ready to take a chance and all of a sudden... Self-doubt creeps its way in. It slinks over everything. It feels like unease, settling on my skin, darkening my mood.  It often shows up for me when I'm JUST about to do something new and then I find I'm about to talk myself out of it.  Just w

Deep Replenishment (in a world of notifications)

How do you recharge after a busy day? (PS: if this is even a fraction of how your morning goes, you probably need it!) Let me know if this sounds familiar.   It’s 8:20am. I have 17 new notifications on my phone. My Slack channels are alive and running with the ever present “popcorn” notification — tap tap tap — people are chatting away. My phone buzzes with a text. Then another. There’s an Instagram notification. A Teams notification. My email dings. Then again. My calendar reminds me that I have a Zoom meeting coming up in exactly 9 minutes and I may or may not have just rolled out of bed 15 minutes ago (whoops). I quickly find some lipstick and mascara. And a sweater. Sure, that’ll work, its Zoom, right? Hair fluff. Ok, go. Wait, wait, coffee — do I have time to get coffee? Yes, I do. Yessss. Ready. Crap. Where exactly did I leave my AirPods?! (I am constantly misplacing my AirPods). Ok, now I'm ready! Let’s go.  And its now only 8:30am.  Whew! And for all of it, I’m grateful, t

Freeing Memories

So... I need to be honest. This blog took days to write.  This is because my computer keeps yelling at me. A box with an urgent yellow triangle in the right hand corner of my screen kept  aggressively appearing with: YOUR DISK IS ALMOST FULL. SAVE SPACE BY OPTIMIZING STORAGE. Oy.   (IGNORE) I’ve moved documents and folders to the cloud, but my computer has a woefully tiny drive and every giant PDF and powerpoint I download for work eats that right up.   Finally, I surrendered to the yellow triangle, and t he act of moving and removing files was actually a cathartic process.  Each file I moved or deleted brought up a new memory. Some memories were very happy, others I greeted with an audible sigh of relief.  Here’s the thing about memories. They are in the past.  The initial pain, or happiness, whatever emotion they caused -- now presents a mirror to you — it is an echo of what you felt before. You can never feel THAT thing again — joy, grief, pain, excitement, anger — for better for wo

Go Ahead...Give Yourself Permission

They say hindsight is 20/20, right? But I'm beginning to see that intuition is a hundred times stronger...its like hindsight and foresight combined (with some night vision thrown in there for fun)! It's really that powerful...the key is trusting it.  In Fall 2020 I pretty much flat out refused to listen to my intuition. I was VERY stubborn, but looking back, I learned a valuable lesson.  After I got back to the United States after working remotely in South America, my long-term freelance contract with a large agency in Milwaukee ended. They had offered me a generous full-time position, but deep inside I knew it wasn't for me. I declined the offer, and started tentatively building my business. I'd been wanting to start my own brand strategy business for years, and I finally had, but admittedly, I was afraid of allowing it to grow.  I was afraid of branching out and networking and actually finding new business connections and staying with one agency just seemed so much...