
How to: Spring Clean Your Energy

Today we're going to talk about something non-traditional.  And it's going to get a little dirty.  Do I have your attention now?  I'm only kidding!  Let me ask you this: on a scale of 1-10... how clean do you think your energy field is? And you may be saying to yourself....perfectly clean. I just took a shower. Your physical body may be clean, but your energy body -- your aura, your chakras -- the energetic wheels that spin in different parts of your body...these frequently can gather energy and become clogged and stuck.  Which then can make you feel stuck. Did you know that your energy field can collect other people's energy, or energy from places and objects that holds pain and grief...and then it STICKS to you?  Even past energy of old events and situations that hasn't been cleared...imagine all of that sticking to your energy body, making you feel sluggish, heavy, sad or depressed.  Like you've gone camping for a week but haven't been able to shower. E

Goodbye old you, hello new you!

Have you ever felt like you've That your life doesn't "fit" quite like it used to... Like the things that USED to make you happy simply don't satisfy you anymore? Do you feel stuck? Well, I want to congratulate you. You have MADE it! This, my friend, is when the magic starts happening. Truly. ______ IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SIGN, THIS IS IT!  YOU ARE READY!  ______ You may be thinking -- um, yeah... right.  What magic?! This does not feel magical, Kristina.  Feeling stuck can feel...well.  Shitty. And my response to that is... YES. It does. I get it. That's how it might feel in the beginning, but it doesn't last. I promise.  A whole new path is opening up to you, you just have to look for it.  If you're willing to make a tiny change to become un-stuck -- that is literally the best life choice you can make for yourself. So how do you start? First. Know that your hesitation is normal .  Healing is nearly always met with resistance.  I ca

How to: make a wish come true

Have you ever made a wish? Christians call this prayer . Spiritualists call this manifestation . Atheists call it the placebo effect . Scientists call it quantum physics . Whatever you want to call it, no one is denying its existence. The law of attraction is real, my friends, and today...this little blog post is going to give you some concrete examples and real techniques of how I made a wish come true...and how you can, too! Last winter, I had this very vivid  dream that I was wearing a beautiful green-silver stone around my neck in a necklace.  It was connected to my past somehow and it felt important. Plus the energy of it felt so calming and soothing that I knew I had to have this stone in my waking reality.  I didn't possess such a necklace currently, so I went where any logical person would look for unusual green stones...eBay. :) I'm scrolling and searching and suddenly, this beautiful shimmering green stone appears in my feed. It says it's called, "Seraphinite

How to identify Fear vs. Intuition (& a BigMac)

Throughout my life, people said to me, "stop being so sensitive ." And it always made me think to myself... wait, my sensitivity should be stopped?  Why? Has someone ever told you this? Did you start to believe, as I did, that your sensitivity was a bad thing? It took me years to learn this, but...often what other people describe as your "weakness", is actually your greatest strength.  As a kid, I was perceptive. I would just know when someone was happy or angry -- even if they didn't say anything.  I felt everyone else's pain like an earthquake, it would ripple through me and become my own pain. I'd be upset suddenly and I suddenly felt confused...wait, I was happy a moment before? Plus, I basically thought that if other people were angry, it was somehow my fault -- or that I needed to FIX the situation and make them happy.  I could always pick up on things I FELT, even if there were no words said.  At work over the years, I had bosses tell me not to &q

Do you know how powerful you are? (Hint: VERY. Read on!)

A little confession: I used to worry about everything .  And it weirdly calmed me.  Right?! I know. Worrying was like a rubik's cube for me -- something I'd pick up so that I could "do"or think of SOMETHING even if I felt powerless to do anything. When life was out of control, I let my thoughts control me.  I'd read those posts that would say, "think a positive thought" and my little inner cynic would respond... "Ha! Yeah, right. All I can think of is the worst that's going to happen." Whoops. And the posts about love and light? Forget about it.  One of the biggest things I've learned over the last few years is that spirituality is not all "love and light".  Quite the opposite! (And please be wary of anyone that tells you it is...!) It's often exploring those dark, dusty, hidden thoughts that you've shoved under a rug.  The parts of you that you're like -- nope.  That's not pretty. I can't think about it.